Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hide individual albums

Fantastic New Feature! This is one of the features i have been waiting for. Orkut now allows locking of individual albums. You can now choose which album you wish to make public and which album you wish to hide from strangers.

» Lock Individual Albums - How To

  • Navigate to your privacy settings page
  • In the album category. choose 'Choose Individually' Option
  • All your album names will get displayed.
  • Choose your privacy settings for each album

Only validated email members can join community now - new feature

This is an effective new feature which will allow you to maintain quality of your community by keeping fakes away from your community. You can now set email validation for the members who wish to join your community. Moreover, you can choose users using a particular email service like gmail or yahoo and even add your own..

» Setting Up Email Validation for Your Community

  • Navigate to your community's edit profile page.
  • Below Public or Moderated option, you'll notice a new 'Validated' option
  • Choose the Validated option and select the email service provider.
  • Update your community profile.
Now, whoever joins your community has to validate his email at the same time have his or her email on your desired email service provider.

Userscripts not working ? ..... tutorial to get them working

As emails and questions are pouring in, this post is the answer to your question on why orkut userscripts have stopped working and how you can get them working again. To be specific, Indian (and Brazilian) orkut users are facing this problem because of the regional domain redirect by orkut as it is clear form the screenshot above. Here is a simple tutorial for Indian (and Brazilian) users to get their themes working again.

Tutorial - Making Userscripts work again for Indian and Brazilian Orkut Users

  • Right click on the greasemonkey icon in your browser (bottom-right)
  • Choose Manage Userscripts option.

  • Now, choose the userscript you want to update (left hand menu).
  • Once you select the userscript, notice included pages section
  • our aim to add support for for indian users
  • Click on Add option

  • Edit all userscripts the same way and make sure you choose ok while exiting the main menu
  • That's all. Enjoy yourself ;)